Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog Assignment #13

ALEX is (Alabama Learning Exchange)
ALEX provides a teacher with the resources to create well plan semester plan for their classes. The site has eight areas and they are links to certain areas for a teacher. The links have icons that represents certain areas of preparation. They have it were check out course studies which allows you to search through every subject. Then you have web links to help you search certain information for what you are teaching. Then their is lessons plan and personal workspace. Lesson plan allows you to click a subject and check out many different lesson plans and ideas for teaching that subject.Then their the professional learning icon were you can get training, evaluation and leadership to help you improve your skills. Last bit is podcast treasury and alexville that you are able to view what other professionals are doing to keep their students interested in the subjects that they are teaching.

The ACCESS programs make were a an Educator were they can check out administrators, see what kind of job opportunities you might have with them. Check out what the policy manuals are for your area and resources. Resource is next and it provides placement test that you can give your student along with many programs to help in all sorts of subjects. The student can check out what course he or she might want to take and get an overview of what is available at their school. It also is about to have information for parents. Finally the students can get the policies, resources, tech support and read experiences that have happen to other members.

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