Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

The Benefits of Podcast in the Classroom
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection

Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog

Between the three different links I went to learn more about podcasting. Each one of them show a much different way to use podcasts. One used it to do a audio presentation on Roman history. Another one used it for reading assignments to make them more interesting. The other one is on how to create a podcast. My thought on it is that it was really interesting in how each one of them used podcast to create a way to keep students active in the class and make it fun.


  1. I think that podcasts could be very useful in classrooms! As you said, they can certainly keep students active and make learning fun. I loved the Benefits of Podcasts in the Classroom link. I found this very beneficial in my own podcast.

  2. Brief. Did you put what you learned to work in your podcast? I am eager to see.
