Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog Assignment #6

The Networked Student By Wendy Drexler

Well I watched and listened to the video and I believe the teacher is need to explain, demonstrate, and show how social networking can help the student expand their mind. I found it really interesting on how the student would not need a textbook, the teacher does not lecture much, and how you do your home work is through networking with other people on the internet. At the moment I am probably not ready for a networked student but I am taking classes. That will make me ready to teach networked students. The way the video shows how technology is continuously improving and changing the way many communicate with other people.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN0)

The students PLE was very well organized from school to fun play links. Comparing it to mine right now. She has hers much more organized than mine right now and has more links that are helpful for her in school but mine is slowly improving.

The Machine is Changing Us

It gave me plenty to think about on how it relates to my experiences right now and how as a teacher most keep up with the ways people communicate with one another. I thought the overall presentation was funny at certain points but his points were understood real well.


  1. The teacher's role is different when you consider the ability of students to network. "The Networked Student" gives a good view of how students could use the technology available right now to develop networks and manage their own learning. In this environment the teacher is more like a coach. The teacher will provide guidance, advice, and structure when necessary but the students will be in control. SS

  2. Hey TJ.
    I don't think I'm ready for an all out network based learning experience either, but we have to learn sooner or later, right?
    I'm going to school to be a teacher, I don't know how I would feel about being regarded as a coach, I want to be respected for my knowledge too, but with all this technology and networking everyone will have a platform and be an expert at whatever they are talking about.

    And I agree with your views on the presentation also. It was funny, but his thoughts came across clear and provoked a lot of people to think about those things.
